The Berens Family | Castle Rock, CO

A couple months ago a dear friend of ours contacted me asking if I'd be willing to donate a photoshoot for a fundraising auction — I said yes and forgot about it until a couple weeks later I was contacted by Paul and Jacqueline, who had won the photoshoot at the auction!

I met their family outside of Castle Rock, CO one beautiful day in September, and met them in person for the first time. Their family overflows with laughter, positivity, and encouragement.

As we got talking and began to get to know one another, I learned that they own a holistic wellness practice in Centennial, CO. As one who has struggled with some health challenges the past couple of years (with very few answers from western medicine), I jumped on the opportunity to learn more.

Flash forward a few months, and Jacqueline is now one of my incredible doctors! She's already helped me greatly reduce my inflammation, start balancing my hormones, and given me tons of encouragement as well as a listening ear. I have hope for the first time that healing might actually be in sight!

All of that to say- I'm so thankful I've gotten to know the Berens family! And if anyone needs a pretty stellar doctor, I know a gal ;)