Brittin & Caleb | Palmer Park Proposal

You guys. This is maybe my favorite shoot EVER because I got to help my future brother-in-law ask my sister to marry him!!! Caleb called my husband Isaac and I about a month before he was supposed to fly out to Colorado to spend Christmas with our family, and he let us know that he was going to pop the question. Isaac and I got to serve as his faithful location scouts, secretly Facetiming him with different location possibilities. The main requirement? That it be epic.

Well, the top of Palmer Park definitely delivered on the epic factor. With the location and the date set, all that was left to do.... was wait. When the Saturday morning finally rolled around, Isaac and I excitedly hopped in the car to get to the top of the park about 40 minutes before Caleb and Britt were meant to show up. With the hiding in the bushes, my camera, and Isaac's bulky camera (he was filming), we made quite the pair. Every car the drove up we would anxiously look through the empty branches and strain to see if they were there (I was frustrated that I didn't think to track Caleb's location!).... finally we heard more gravel popping under tires, and look out to see Caleb opening Brittin's car door. IT'S HAPPENING!!!!

They sat on a sweet picnic table overlooking the peak, and after a few minutes he took her hand and they began walking to the edge of the rock. Isaac and I slipped into extra stealth mode and started snapping photos like crazy from behind, praying she couldn't hear our shutters clicking. Then it happened.

He got down on one knee. He pulled out a stunning ring. And Brittin SAID YES!!!!

Isaac and I, along with my parents, jumped fully out of the bushes that served as our hiding spot and immediately began celebrating. The look on Brittin's face was priceless. We went to the Broadmoor to get dessert and celebrate, and my beautiful little sister is officially getting married to an amazing man in September! I'm not crying, you are. But let's be real.... I'm crying.

Brittin & Caleb, we love you more than words can say. Caleb is an answer to prayer in every way, and they are such a beautiful match. I can't wait to celebrate their union in just a few short months!